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Monday, 5 November 2018

A nice response to my book "Siyama" (written in Sinhala Language)

This poem was from Dhammika Chandani. In response to the book written by me.

It was a quick visit.... 
JUST about to fade off ...... 

In this stormy bond

Emotions on a roller coaster.....
a down pour  of tears..
soaking through my feelings...
My mind a battle ground 
tearing me apart.

But,  there I was....
almost an Oscar nominee 
to hide the  feelings.....
to keep control.....      

stealthily .....    
Keeping his hands on my shoulders.... 
When he kissed my forehead.....   
The current that went through my body..............          
My accelerated heart beat......  
My trembling legs........ 

Reminded me ..... 
that he doesn't know  
how much I love him.

I wish he knew.
Hope is still fluttering its feathers...

-  Dammika Chandani