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Thursday 24 February 2022

Russian history and Ukranian misery


Elizebeth Of Russia (one of the most power full leaders of Russia) 

When you look at the Russian and Ukranina history, one thing is clear. Both nations were born and bread by their Kievan mother. Both nations originated from Kiev.

2000 BC – Nomadic Tribes (kurgans) – Called the Scytheans  were in Russia , Bronze Age Cultures , They were overrun by nomadic tribes

0650 AD - Slavs (many tribes)

0800 AD Vikings from Scandinavia (varangians) rowed up to Russia via Rivers Don, Dnieper and Volga

0862 AD – East Slavs selected Varangian Chief Rurik to be their Prince and he Created a kingdom with the capital city as  Novogorod , Rurikids ruled Russia for 700 years, his people called themselves Rus and named the land after them.

Important part – Rurik’s Successor Oleg (Prince Oleg – 879-912) captured the Kiev making it the capital of the state called Kievan Rus. 

0988 AD - Vladimir the Great (980-1015) converted to Orthodox Christianity (Still Kiev is the capital) (both Ukraine and Russia adopted Christianity)

1040 AD – Yaroslav the Wise (1019 – 1054) -Golden age of Kievan Rus. He conquered new lands. He was credited for codifying the laws.  One of the powerful states of Europe.

1054 AD – kievan Rus disintegrated to princedoms (brothers fought among themselves) 

1223 AD The Mongolian Attack under Genghis Khan, Defeated Kievan Rus kingdoms, retuned back

1237 AD- Mongol Army led by batu Khan overran the Kievan Rus and all the land (Cities of Vladimir, Rostov, Kyazan, Kiev)- Novogorod submitted to Mongols so spared

1242 AD – Alxander Nevsky from Novogorod defeated Teutonic Knights

1253 AD – Mongol King (Tatars) – The Golden Hord ruled Kievan Rus and all the land (Under the “Tatar yoke”)

1283 AD – Nevsky’s son Daniel founded the Grand Principality of Moscow

1313 AD – Tatars converted to Islam under Uzbek Khan

1362 AD – Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeated the Tatars and conquered Kiev as well.

1380 AD At Kulikovo battle s Grand Prince of Moscow Dmitri Donskoi also defeated the Tatars

1453 AD Tatar empire (Golden Hord disintegrated) , Constantinople (Byzntine empire) fell to Turkish Ottoman  Empire

1478 AD – Grand Prince of Moscow annexed Novogorod – Created first Russian State, At 1480 AD Ivan II defeated Tatars once for all.

1547 – First tsar of Russia – Ivan Iv (Ivan the terrible) 1533-1584 . He was defeated by Polish-Lithuanian Empire and Kiev was under the Commonwealth. (Livonian War)

Important- 1572 AD – Raiders from Crimean Khanate (Muslim) raided Moscow.  But Russians defeated them the following year. Cossacks were living in steppes.

1582AD – Cossack led Russians defeated Tatars in Siberia  

1598- Death of Feodorov 1, end of Rurik Dynasty, Boris Godunov Became Tsar

1608 – 1613 AD- No ruler and Russia was in state of anarchy – Polish occupied Moscow, Swedish- Novogorod  , Prince Pozharsky and Kuzma threw out Polish in 4th of November 1612 – Russian unity Day

1613 – Mikhail Romonov – First Tsar Romonov came to the throne. His son Tsar Alexei implemented a new legal code

1649 - Russian peasants (80% of them) became serfs (like slaves – No freedom to travel or choose a master, They were objects belongs to landowners and lords) 

1654 – Important – Ukrainian Zaporizhian Cossacks rebelled against Polish Lithuanian commonwealth and accepted Russian tsar Alexei as their overlord and asked for military support.

1667 – Russia fought under Tsar Alexi with Polish Lithuanian commonwealth for 13 years. Russia won and annexed Smolensk and Eastern Ukraine.   (Now Donbas)

1686 – Russia joined Holy War against Ottoman Empire (With England and France)

1688 – Under Queen Sofia – Russia Signed the first treaty with China

Peter the Great

1689 – Peter the I, became the ruler

1700 – War against Tukey was won at sea., Crimea became Russian Enclave and sea port in black sea and Azov Sea (They had only Archangelsk) –by the treaty of Constantinople.

1712- Russia fought together with Poland, Lithuania and Denmark – against dominant power at the time Sweden. (Battle of Poltava), St Petersburg created.

1721- great Northern war ended with Sweden’s defeat. Russia gained Baltic states at Sweden’s expense.  Peter the First became emperor and Peter the Great.

1759 – Russia’s Queen Elizabeth’s army defeated Prussian King Fredrick the Great’s army

1762 – Peter the Third's wife, A German Princess Catherine became the Empress of Russia - Catherine II – Russia defeated Ottoman empire (1768-74), Polish Lithuanian commonwealth collapsed and Russia took the control of Poland until 1918.

1809 – Tsar alexander 1 invaded Sweden and Finland then Finland came under Russia as an Autonomous Grand Duchy

1812 – Napoleon lost to Russia, then together with Britain and Prussia went up to Paris. Alexander became King of Poland

1815 – Russia invaded and occupied Georgia, Chechenia, Dagestan, Armenia, Azerbaijan

1828 Persia (now Iran) lost the war with Russia and lost lot of territory to Russia. Russia liberated Greece from Ottomans.

1854 – Russia defeated Turks in Black Sea, Britain and France declared war against Russia.  (Crimean War) – Russia was halted from further expansion after losing the port of Sevastopol.

1861 – Abolition of Serfdom (Slavery)  

1865- Russia acquired new territory in central Asia – Tajikistan, Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan. Russia sold Alaska to America (1867)

1877 – Russia together with Bulgaria Faught with Turks again.  But under international pressure gave independence to many countries including Rumania, Bulgaria and Montenegro.


1917 - Ukraine parted from Russian Empire in 1917 and until 1918 was semi-independent under German control. When Keiser fell in 1918 Ukraine became independent, but the power was coming from one rule to another. Eventially independent Ukraine was conquered by bolsheviks and that's how it became a part of the SU. (Maksim Kuzmin)

1917 – With the first world war defeats, February revolution brought end to Tsar’s rule.  Russia was now a republic. In October Bolsheviks took power under Vladimir Lenin after the coup master minded by Leon Trotsky. Under Bolsheviks 15 Soviet republics were created.  Ukrainian Soviet Socialist republic was created with its capital as Kiev.  Ukraine became a country and republic within the Soviet Union.

1954 – 19th of February – Under the Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev Presidium of the Supreme Soviet passed a decree transferring the Crimean oblast from Russian Soviet socialist federation to Ukrainian soviet socialist republic.   

Tsar Vladimir Putin the I

2014 (23-24 February) – Under the Tsar Putin 1 (or president Putin) Russian Federation annexed Crimean Peninsula from the Independent Ukraine.

2022 (23-24 February) - Under the directive of Tsar Putin 1 , Russia recognized independence of two republics in  Eastern Ukraine , which were under the  Russian Empire in 1667 very first time.

- Ajith Dharmakeerthi 

Based on this video:

Wednesday 2 February 2022

One of the root causes of the current Ukrainian crisis

 One of the root causes of the current Ukrainian crisis lies mainly with Josef Stalin and his forced creation of collective farms. Millions of Ukrainians died. No successive soviet governments or Russian leaders apologized for it. Instead of the rhetoric President Putin should apologize for it and see the results.

In spite of "holodomor"  more than 4.5 million Ukrainians joined the red army to fight Nazis. Quarter million Ukrainians (including Jewish Ukrainians) fought as partisans against the invading Nazi army. Only small number of Ukrainians fought alongside the Nazis.

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