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Saturday 19 October 2024

To My Fiery Star

To My Fiery Star

 In the heart of a flame, there’s a kindness so deep,

A spark in your eyes, where your passions keep

You blaze through the world, fierce, unafraid,

With courage and wisdom your path is laid.

You fight for the truth, with both fire and grace,

But show tender mercy in each heated case

You lift those in need, with a heart open wide,

Yet stand like a warrior, with justice your guide.

An artist at heart, with colours you play,

And the law in your hands, moulding each day

You’re a beacon of strength, both gentle and bold,

With stories to tell, yet more to unfold.

So here’s to the fire that never will dim,

To the kindness within that flows to the brim

Happy 23rd to the soul so rare,

With a heart full of love and a spirit laid bare.

Ajith Dharmakeerthi 19/10/2023

Written for my daughter Shania's birthday 

Happy Birthday Shani Bani