electron positron pairs

and trace amount of nucleons

BBN requires temperatures greater than 100keV and corresponds to time scales less than 200 seconds. It was necessary to achieve a density n
. The current density of visible matter is

In the early Universe at temperatures T < or ~ to 1MeV , conditions for the synthesis of the light elements were attained. Weak interactions were in equilibrium at higher temperatures. The following processes fix the ratio of number densities of neutrons to protons.
(a neutron plus a positive electron (positron) create a proton and an anti-nuetrino and vice-versa, a neutron plus a nuetrino create a proton and electron, from a nuetron a proton, electron and antinuerino is fixed).
The ratio of neutrons to protons at equilibrium at temperature T is given by a Boltzman factor:
is the neutron proton mass difference,1.3 MeV. Olive (1999) notes that, when the temperature 
1. K. A. Olive. Primordial big bang nucleosynthesis. ArXiv Astrophysics e-prints, Jan. 1999. URL http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9901231.
2. A. M. Boesgaard and G. Steigman. Big bang nucleosynthesis - theories and observations. ARA&A, 23:319{378, 1985. doi: 10.1146/annurev.aa.23.090185.001535.
3. G. F. R. Ellis. Inhomogeneity eff ects in cosmology. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 28(16):164001, Aug. 2011. doi: 10.1088/0264-9381/28/16/164001.
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