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Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The Thermal History of the universe - 1

The Thermal History of the universe
As T = (1 + z)T0 the universe gets hotter when we go further back in time. The average energy of the particles increases with the higher temperature. There is a real chance of more interactions can happen. Therefore, at early times all possible particles were relativistic. If they were interacting strongly then the particles would have remained in thermal equilibrium. In the following figure the thermal history of the

universe is shown up to seconds.
(courtesy Imperial Collage - Cosmology Lectures 2012)

As mentioned earlier time equal to zero is accepted as the big bang. However, the earliest we can start talking where classical general relativity gains control of the known universe as a whole is cosmic time of

known as the Planck time. Hawley and Holcomb (1997) state that, the characteristic length-scale of the universe known as the Plank length at this time, was
There is nothing at the moment we can say about the time, from the beginning until the Plank time
which is called Planck epoch. It is accepted that all four fundamental forces of nature, namely gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear interactions and strong nuclear interactions composed a single force during this time. We think at the end of this Planck epoch, the gravitons fell out from equilibrium with the other particles, and gravity decoupled from the other forces. It is believed that the cosmic background
of gravitational waves formed from the gravitons streamed out through the universe.

Hawley and Holcomb (1997) further explain that, the temperature was so high from the Planck time till about unified epoch. During this stage electromagnetism, the weak interaction, and the strong
and we have very little understanding of the nature of the matter under such conditions. This interval is called the interaction were uni ed, and they made up a single indistinguishable force. The theories support that notion are called grand uni ed theories (GUTs). There are other incomplete theories exist that apply to conditions during the uni ed epoch as well.

Cosmologists believe sometime before the end of the uni ed epoch, universe entered a period of exponential expansion called in ation. If that occurred, it must have taken place sometime around
 after the big bang according to Hawley and Holcomb (1997). As noted by Hawley and Holcomb (1997) the most signi cant remnant of the uni ed epoch is the excess matter remaining after the epoch end. However, it is assumed that the universe consisted of a brew of highly relativistic particles, including quarks and more exotic particles.

Hadrons and Leptons are elementary fermions. We can categorise the type of particles of the universe like this:
  • Leptons - fundamental particles which participate in weak interactions, electrons, muons, taons and neutrinos are leptons
  • Hadrons - made up of quarks which participate in strong interactions.
Hadrons have two subfamilies
  •  Baryons: Fermions made up of three quarks, for example Proton and neutron.
  • Mesons: Bosons made up of two quarks. Examples are pions and kaons.
Hawley and Holcomb (1997) noted further that particles created from pure energy in ordinary processes must always be created in matter anti-matter pairs known as pair production. When the particle and anti-particle collide, they destroy one another, converting their rest mass to photon energy. The conservation of baryon number rule should be observed here like baryons anti particle should be negative baryons. However in most grand uni ed theories this conservation rule no longer holds. Reactions like transforming quarks into leptons and vice versa can occur, thus violating the baryon conservation. These particular reactions can occur in such a way that tiny excess of matter can remain. This process by which matter was
preferred over antimatter is called baryogenesis which would have created the material that our current universe consist of.

We think the end of the unified epoch came atand this was followed may be by quark epoch where universe consisted of free quarks and gluons, other carrier particles of combined electromagnetic and weak force, more exotic heavy particles and anti-particles. The weak and electromagnetic forces were unified as the electroweak interaction during most of the quark epoch.

The four fundamental interactions:

1. Electromagnetic interaction: these are responsible for the forces between electrons and protons in atoms, and for the emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation, such as light. A small leftover electromagnetic interaction of the electrons and protons in atoms allows atoms to bind together to make molecules and so is responsible for chemistry.

2 Strong interactions : these provide the (very) strong force between quarks inside protons and neutrons. A small residual strong interaction between quarks binds protons and neutrons together in the nuclei of atoms.

3 Weak interactions : these are responsible for processes, such as radioactive beta-decay, that involve both quarks and leptons.

4 Gravitational interactions : these make apples fall, maintain planets in their orbits around stars, and control the expansion of the Universe. However, they are negligible within the atom. But when matter aggregates into huge (and electrically neutral) lumps, such as planets and stars, gravity holds sway. You will see that it also holds some surprises, undreamt of by Newton.

1. J. Hawley and K. Holcomb. Foundations of Modern Cosmology. Oxford University
Press, USA, 1997. ISBN 9780195104974. URL
2. How the universe works - Andrew Norton Page 62

Friedmann Equations and Hubble Parameter

Friedmann Equations:
Inserting both the stress energy tensor and the FLRW Metric and taking the  fluid to be comoving with the expansion of the universe, we arrive at equations of motion for scale factor a, known as the Friedmann
equation as shown in Olive (1999),
where a -dot is the first derivative of scale function a with respect to cosmological proper time t and is the density. The equation of acceleration a (Double dot)
The third equation is called the conservation equation and can also be derived from the stress energy tensor.
If pressure and density are non-negative which means ( ro + 3p) > 0 and the cosmological constant is negligible then the a is always negative. This implies is that _a(dot) must be either negative or positive and the universe must be either expanding or contracting. Assuming it is expanding the minus sign of the right hand side of second equation above implies that the expansion of the universe is slowing down with
time. However research papers published by Perlmutter et al. (1999) for the supernova Cosmology Project, Brian Schmidt from High-Z Supernova research Team and Riess (2000) cast doubt on this claim. They have received the Nobel prize for proving that the expanding universe accelerating and a small cosmological constant is needed to explain this. To discuss the evolution of the scale factor further, aided by above equations if we go back in time, _a must increase and so the curve a(t) must concave downwards towards the time (t) axis. As a result, there should be some nite time in the past, scale factor must have been equal to zero. The event when scale factor a towards 0 and consequently when the time is defined to be zero is
a singularity at which the density of the universe become in nite. This is often referred to as the big bang.

Hubble Parameter
In 1914 Vesto Slipher found that light from most galaxies is redshifted. By taking this work further Edwin Hubble measured the recession of speed of distant galaxies from their observed redshift and established their distance from earth. Then Hubble derived a law that said, the recession velocity, v, of a galaxy is directly proportional to its distance, d, from the earth. Therefore
where the constant of proportionality, H0 is known as Hubble's constant with the dimensions of [Time]-1 (per). For the present time H0 = 72 +/-  8 kms per second per Mpc (Mega Parsec). However there is an greater uncertainty in the value of H0 and it is conventional to parameterise it's value in terms of the parameter h de ned as follows;
Current observations indicate a range of values for h, 0:6 < h < 0:75. As we can see, then the rate of the expansion of the universe is determined by the Hubble parameter as
What the Hubble parameter has given us is the observational proof of the expansion of the universe. The observations of the universe continue to constrain the expansion rate and the universe is expanding with time as general relativity originally predicted.

1. K. A. Olive. Primordial big bang nucleosynthesis. ArXiv Astrophysics e-prints, Jan. 1999. URL
2. S. Perlmutter, G. Aldering, G. Goldhaber, R. A. Knop, P. Nugent, P. G. Castro,S. Deustua, S. Fabbro, A. Goobar, D. E. Groom, I. M. Hook, A. G. Kim, M. Y. Kim, J. C. Lee, N. J. Nunes, R. Pain, C. R. Pennypacker, R. Quimby, C. Lidman, R. S. Ellis, M. Irwin, R. G. McMahon, P. Ruiz-Lapuente, N. Walton, B. Schaefer, B. J. Boyle, A. V. Filippenko, T. Matheson, A. S. Fruchter, N. Panagia, H. J. M. Newberg, W. J. Couch, and Supernova Cosmology Project. Measurements of Omega and Lambda from 42 High-Redshift Supernovae. ApJ, 517:565{586, June 1999. doi: 10.1086/307221.
3. A. G. Riess. The Case for an Accelerating Universe from Supernovae. PASP, 112: 1284{1299, Oct. 2000. doi: 10.1086/316624.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Einstein Equations and FLRW Metric

Any modern treatment of cosmology, the study of the structure and evolution of the universe on the largest scales, begins with a number of assumptions. The first is that physical laws, which have been tested in our local environment, are universal, hold- ing at all times and in all places in the universe. Importantly this includes the theory of General Relativity, which is our best theory of gravity at the present time. The second major assumption is that we will need to assume some symmetries for the universe. These symmetries are motivated both by simplicity and by observations of the cosmos. The assumed symmetries are that the universe is is homogeneous and isotropic on the largest scales, which states that we do not occupy a special place in the universe. In Einstein gravity, spacetime is described by four-dimensional metric, gµν (χk ), that satisfies the Einstein equations.
where Rµν the Ricci tensor, R is the Ricci scalar, Tµν is the stress-energy tensor for all the fields present and Λ is the cosmological constant. FLRW Metric The current understanding we have of the evolution of the universe is based upon the Friedmannn-Leimatre-Robertson-Walker metric which has the symmetries of homogeneity and isotropy, motivated by observations. It’s validity supported by direct and indirect observational evidence extends back to the beginning of the epoch of primordial nucleosynthesis. The high degree of symmetry of the FLRW metric is considered as the cornerstone of the standard cosmological model. It depends on only one dynamical variable cosmic scale factor a(t) (in some literature this is symbolised as R(t)). The FLRW metric is given explicitly as
where spherical polar coordinates r, θ, and φ are comoving coordinates, t is the proper time, a(t) is the scale factor, k is the curvature parameter which can take values of +1, 0 and -1 for spaces of constant positive curvature, flat or negative spatial curvature, respectively. The scale factor a(t) has dimensions of length. If k = +1 then r ranges from 0 to 1. In below figure the two dimensional analogue of the three dimensional curvature manifolds of homogeneous and isotropic universe are illustrated.
An observer in a homogeneous and isotropic universe, moving so the universe is observed to be isotropic, would measure the stress-energy tensor to be
as stated in Peebles and Ratra (2003) where the diagonal form is a consequence of the symmetry and the diagonal components define the pressure and energy density. We assume that the fuid is comoving with the expansion of the universe. According to Kolb and Turner (1994), from the energy conservation
law for adiabatic expansion, the change in energy in a comoving volume element v = a3 is equal to minus the pressure times the change in volume i.e,
where p is the pressure and is the density. The parameter w is a constant and lies in the range of 0 <= w <=1, which is called the Zel dovich interval. This equation of state is the most general form for
the stress energy in a FLRW space-time.

1. P. J. Peebles and B. Ratra. The cosmological constant and dark energy. Reviews of Modern Physics, 75:559{606, Apr. 2003. doi: 10.1103/RevModPhys.75.559.
2. P. Coles and F. Lucchin. Cosmology: The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure. John Wiley & Sons, 2002. ISBN 9780471489092. URL
3. E. Kolb and M. Turner. The Early Universe. Frontiers in Physics. Westview Press, 1994. ISBN 9780201626742. URL id=Qwijr-HsvMMC.

Friday, 14 March 2014

The Hot Big Bang Model

The hot big bang model is currently the best explanation we have for the evolution of the universe, and it has become a key part of the standard model of cosmology. In this model we make an assumption that, the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on the largest scales.

We also make an assumption that the laws of physics, which have been verified in laboratory conditions are also valid in the early universe. Finally, we assume that the cosmological principle holds. With the assumption of homogeneity and isotropy the evolution of the universe is governed by the Friedmann equations obtained from General relativity.

 From these equations of motion, and our knowledge of the content of the universe today, a picture emerges in which a universe began in a hot dense state, and expanded and cooled into the one we see around us today. There are many observable relics from this hot dense origin for example the radiation we observe as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). The best evidence we have for the isotropy of the observable universe is the uniformity of the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR). Today the CMBR study reveals that we have microwave radiation photons with 2.75 K temperature throughout the universe.

Distributions of galaxies give us also direct evidence of homogeneity. As the universe cooled different physics was in operation and different particles were present. These different types of particles were baryons, electrons, photons, neutrinos, fermions and bosons and antiparticles. Baryon is comprised of three quarks and is not a fundamental particle. Baryons participate in strong interactions. The Electron is regarded as a fundamental particle. Historically neutrinos were thought to be massless particles and travel close to the speed of light. General acceptance is there are three types of neutrinos and they all interact weakly with other particles. Neutrinos denoted by symbol ν. However some recent experimental evidence indicates that neutrinos may have a mass.

The elementary particles are divided into two main groups depending on the amount of spin that they carry and they are referred to as Bosons and Fermions. All neutrinos and Baryons are fermions while the photon which has twice the spin of the electron is a boson. Standard model of the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (SBBN) describes the approximately first twenty or so minutes of the evolution of the universe. It is the phase of evolution in which protons and neutrons, which previously had existed as separate particles combined to form atomic nuclei. Only once the energy scale has dropped sufficiently is this energetically favourable.

The abundance of light elements is an- other relic of the hot big bang, and armed with this theoretical knowledge astrophysicists and astronomers accumulated the abundances of the light elements thought to be produced just after the big bang. These elements are Helium 4 [4H e], Helium 3 [3He], Deuterium, Lithium 7 [7Li], Beryllium and Boron. With the predicted abundances at hand astrophysicists and astronomers aimed their telescopes to far ends of the universe and observed the abundances of those light elements and begin to compare the observed to predicted. The standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis model achieved significant success in predicting the light-element abundances produced during the nucleosynthesis that agrees well with the observations. It also helps us constrain the parameters of the standard model of cosmology, in particular the number of baryons with respect to photons.

 New discovery announced today:

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Quantum Theory

"Now that we stand on the threshold of the twenty-first-century, the situation is oddly similar. Once again, physicists believe the physical world has been explained, and that no further revolutions lie ahead. Because of prior history, they no longer express this view publicly, but they think it just the same. Some observers have even gone so far as to argue that science as a discipline has finished it's work; that there is nothing important left for Science to discover - John Hogan - The End of Science."

But just as the late nineteenth century gave hints of what was to come, so the late twentieth century also provides some clues to the future. One of the most important is the interest in so-called Quantum technology. This is an effort on many fronts to create a new technology that utilizes the fundamental nature of subatomic reality, and it promises to revolutionize our ideas of what is possible. Quantum technology flatly contradicts our common sense ideas of how the world works. It posits a world where computers operate without being turned on and objects are found without looking for them.
  -From Time Line - Micheal Chrichton

(This post is not completed yet)

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Homosexuality and Buddhism

This comment was in reply to Dr Thrishantha Nanayakkara's article in Colombo Telegraph.

I think your idea of Buddhism connected to homosexuality is erroneous here.  Specially in this part of your article “Therefore, one who gets attracted to the same sex has no control or ownership of that process starting from the sight of a person to the feeling of homosexual attraction." I think we have control over our attractions. What you should have mentioned is desire and attachment. Buddhism wants us to practice "upeksha" or take no side of the event or the feeling and don't hold onto anything.  The reason why Buddhists or Buddhism does not discriminate homosexuals as other religions is we accept it is as part of (or associated with) desire. Whether it is heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, or for your craving for any other thing comes under desire and to hold onto someone or a thing is an attachment.   Buddhists practice is to get rid of the very attachment whatever the form it comes from.
On second part of your article, I am not sure the connection between the political event and the very thing you say in the first part. Apart from a Buddhist monk in a political rally and a politician apologising for it, all that seems a political gimmick from both sides. Papers and people are talking about completely an unnecessary event. 

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Life of Pi and I

Life of Pi and I

I went to see “Life of Pi” yesterday with my children. They were happy to see the animals and strange and beautiful scenes of sea life. However they were quite surprised by the reference to God in the movie. When the film’s main character claimed he wants to be baptised, my children laughed loudly. Some people sitting in front of us did not like it.  My children are not baptised even though their mother is from Lutheran church. (Christian). I told them they can follow Buddhism and learn Buddhist ways which they do. I also told them when they are grown up they can select any religion and follow that up or stay as Buddhists and I am not going to enforce them to follow strictly one religion. They also study Christianity at their church school and go to church and the temple. I took them several times to a Hindu kovils too.  So they have a good understanding of Piscine Molitor’s behaviour in the film. However I still don’t know why they laughed yesterday. It’s perhaps the way the boy Pi said it.  They were not baptised and my wife refused to baptise them because most of the parents do that to get a better secondary School in England. So she refused to follow the trend. I am glad she did that.
Anyway thinking about “Life of Pi” I was somewhat behaved the same way even though I was not floating/fighting for life in big Pacific Ocean.  When I left for higher studies I was a devout Buddhist and also an avid reader of Marxist literature. First few years in Soviet Union I ditched Buddhism completely and became atheist/Marxist. However after these first few years I was introduced to Russian Orthodox Church by a beautiful fellow Russian student. She went there and I followed. Religion was somewhat taboo in that era and she was quite brave to do that. Then I start studying Christianity and read the bible as well.  I was still an atheist but like the somewhat mysterious nature of Russian Orthodox Church. After my studies in Soviet Union I ended up in England. I met few Muslim friends and start reading Quran. They told me I have to read it in  Arabic but I was not interested to learn another language as I already could speak in Russian and learning English more thoroughly as my higher education mainly were in Russian. As I understood Quran was somewhat similar to Bible’s Old Testament for a while I read some Kabbalah teaching as well.
Last few years I went to spiritualist church and talked to mediums. Mediums are the people who talked to the otherside or ones passed relatives. I read lot of books on medium-ships and similar paranormal literature. I stop believing reincarnation and karmic theory soon afterwards and stopped believing that one can talk to dead relatives of others or your own.  By this time I was engaging heavily in Amateur astronomy and registered myself to study MSc in Astrophysics. Meantime I had (Sometimes heated) discussions with lot of Christian friends who follow different sects like Jehovah’s witness and some other denominations while also reading Buddhist literature.
After all those years later I realised I still like Buddhism because of just one sentence.  Buddha said in Kalama sutra “Do not believe religious teachings,  just because they are claimed to be true, or even through the application of various methods or techniques” – (ref: Wikipedia . However, I don’t like to be called a Buddhist as that will label you to something. Attached you to something that is against the very much what Buddha said about attachment.

Going  back to “Life of Pi” we were all in a big Life Ocean seeking truth. And we always find what’s close to our own hearts and minds as ultimate truth, a prejudiced decision where our parents, teachers and respective societies we used to live in taught us or forced us to follow on.

CJ’s Impeachment Issue and Jeganathan’s “Ethos of Ethics”

CJ’s Impeachment Issue and Jeganathan’s “Ethos of Ethics”
It looks like the CJ vs Government Issue i.e the impeachment issue is going to be the main drama   that will dominate the political theatre in the New Year. I was reading most of the news relating to the impeachment issue of Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake and one of the recent articles was written by Dr Pradeep Jeganathan to Colombo Telegraph. It seems Colombo Telegraph has most number of articles printed on this issue. Dr jeganathan talks about the “Ethos of ethics” of this issue and gives some historical perspective citing certain appointment of the prime minister of Sri Lanka in 1952 aided by the then colonial era chief justice.
A subtle as he is Dr Jeganathan touched the impeachment issue as an ethics problem so as it seems.  Rest assured loyal commenters from both sides of pre-Prabhakaran old diaspora politics can be seen from the comments line. Dr Rajasingham Narendran, I S Senguttuvan that we saw in DBS Jeyaraj’s columns are commenting as usual and also I can see one “king barnnet” supporting kings that no one wanted to support right now. And yes of course “Sinhala-only” problem also brought out by some commentators as usual. The “Sinhala only legislation” was perhaps a blunder to Colombo 7 Tamils and Colombo 7 Sinhalese, but not for us the poor Sinhala lot. I am not talking about racial politics here. This was about the jack boot of colonialism that suppressed Sinhalese and Tamil masses. Sinhala only policy tried to remove that suppression of Sinhalese from the  jack boot of colonialism by allowing Sinhalese to go into government education and government jobs thereby removing the greater inequality and injustice caused by the colonial British rulers. People like us would never have had a chance to study in Royal (Where I had the privilege of meeting Student Jeganathan) and go to higher studies, or our fathers never would have had government jobs that enable them to support us to be where we are. Yes there were some disadvantages occurred to Colombo 7 and Tamils and highly privileged burger classes which later emigrated to Australia and other countries. We can see the same thing happen in Mandela’s South Africa.  Although Tamils eye favourably towards South Africa and the Mandela policies they never accepted the Bandaranayaka policy as removing Sinhalese from colonial shackles. They took that as a threat to their privileged status and started the separatist campaign. That campaign was later hijacked by the socialist leftist Tamils and we were supportive of it as well. However later on Sinhala chauvinists used the Sinhala only policy and other added measures (like education policy) to suppress the minorities exactly as the British suppressed them.  The pooere sections of the minorities suffered the most.  Then the new national socialist type movement of Prabhakaran took over the Tamil struggle we all know where it has ended.
So who are supporting the CJ?  When the Tamil intellectuals and leftists intellectuals connected the impeachment issues with national problem then there is a problem for us. As far as people of Sri Lanka concerns they do not bother about this impeachment issue as the opposition or the lawyers want them to be. As anyone would have easily predicated Pro-LTTE Tamil diaspora also supports CJ and the current opposition as they are forever against the Government anyway.  As far as I know Dr Narendran always voiced against LTTE politics together with Jeyaraj and while Ilya Seran Senguttvan was on the fence regarding the LTTE issue. Former General Fonseka was supportive of CJ and asking her to join the politics. Perhaps he was such a lonely figure now he wants at least CJ in his boat as former CJ Sarah N Silva is increasingly taking pro-government stand. The issue of the impeachment motion is a political one which was taken by the highest level of the SL government. The issue of safeguarding  the independence of the judiciary as CJ underlined in her recent speech was not a political issue but increasingly dragged to that end by the forces and individuals mentioned above who are allegedly aligning to support the independence of judiciary not to  mention the Asian human right commission et al..
It started with JVP signing the petition with Dr Chandraguptha Theunevara and other intellectuals. Soft spoken Dr Thenuvara was studying in Russia and I knew him then as a leftist representing the old left. Independent of judiciary was simply non-existent in old Soviet union where he and I studied. Anura Kumara Dissanayake representing JVP was signing the petition too. JVP affliates it’s foreign policy with China and JVP attends Chinese Communist party functions too. In short they support Chinese model. Arguably China is not a country we can take as an example of safeguarding the independence of judiciary. UNP led by Ranil Wickrmasinghe is somewhat muted in response to Impeachment motion although they seem to support CJ. They are reeling from not so friendly judgments against them by the courts of the country and judging by the opposition leader’s attitude he is on the fence. Then comes the Tamil diaspora (pro LTTE or not) mentioned earlier, exiled journalists, exiled websites and editors etc. The same lot supported former General Fonseka’s campaign for presidency too. And lost.
Most sensible approach we can see from Deepthi Kumara Gunarthane’s (DKG) vanguard (Peratugami) party and Kumar Gunerathnam’s Frontline Socialist party. DKG of Vanguard party also connect the CJ issue with the national problem and according to him if Sri Lanka can  find a solution to the  national problem these other problems may solve itself. (Please refer to:
 I doubt that but that’s what those commentators to Dr Jeganathan’s article and Dr Jeganathan himself seems to believe as well. Subtleness of Jeganthan obscured it cleverly from the article of ethos and ethics. (Ref:
Frontline socialist party’s Pubudu Jayagoda supported CJ while commenting on the impeachment issue, but he and his party seems to shy away from any street action regarding the issue.
For ordinary people in Sri Lanka this impeachment issue is not an issue as much as issue of another high rise building going up in Colombo with another higher rate Chinese loan. They have lost their daily bread to Lamborghini imports and whether the fact that current CJ would survive in her post or not, is not going to change their attitude.

I would have preferred if Dr Jeganathan looked at more recent history of Sri Lanka for ethics and Ethos than colonial era. It is not for me to suggest but I can’t help pointing out that Felix Dias Bandaranayake set the trend in motion in late 70s during the dying days of Sirima Government. Independence of Judiciary eroded slowly in Island of Sri Lanka taking heavy beatings from JRJ government , RP government and CBK governments. Specially,  during the tenure of former CJ Sarath N Silva, we heard many stories of Judges and lawyers engaged in many sort of activities behind the court rooms. So for ordinary people in Sri Lanka there is nothing lost. To safeguard an independence of Judiciary there should be one to safeguard.  This is not mean to say that behaviour of the government of SL is right or I am justifying it Far from it. But I am merely pointing out the fact the lawyers can agitate against the impeachment motion and may even succeed stopping it. But very same lawyers were the ones taking money from poor clients, dragging court cases and harassing people of Sri lanka with their exorbitant charges while getting rich. Not all the lawyers but majority are. CJ’s husband was appointed to run the bank by this government and CJ herself was appointed by this government.  We all know these facts and as we can see CJ (and her family) was part of the well –oiled government machinery not so long ago. It is more like government vs government issue rather than people vs the government.  It seems to be unfair on CJ because those representing the government in parliament select committee consist of corrupted ministers according to media reports. So how can they judge the CJ did anyting wrong when they have done even worse.
Sri Lanka does not have a liberal capitalism characterised by people and businesses generally paying due taxes, bureaucrats are less corrupted, people are generally law abiding, police and judiciary are independent and governments do not interfere with judicial process.  So the solution to this problem lies with changing the entire political system rather than changing the regime. Providing a solution to national question or removing Sinhala as stage language or lamenting Sinhala only policy and giving equal right to Tamil (It is already a national language) would not solve the current problem with Judiciary and Executive. Actually I can’t really see a problem. CJ is yet to show whether she is really independent or nor. Even if she works hard to save the judiciary under the current corrupt political system she would not survive anyway.

Ajith D

Sunday, 23 December 2012

In guns we trust

Dear Wayne LaPierre,
I heard you say that "Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns". You also called for a national database of the mentally ill and blamed violent video games and films for portraying murder as a "way of life" according to the BBC. Normally I don’t trust these new agencies that much but in this case this was reported elsewhere so it must be true. It could be true mentally ill and violent video games and films may have instigated some to kill with guns. But then some of these films use other methods too. But we don’t see people running with swords or chainsaws killing others.

Mr LaPierre –
Let’s remind ourselves of little bit of American history. I will be selective here though. You (I mean Americans) have chased out natives from their home (own areas of habitat) and hunting grounds most of the time killing their women and children. So you needed the guns. And they may have returned and fight with their bows, arrows and Tomahawks so you have to defend yourself. Fair enough, as you need guns then to defend your newly acquired lands. You sent them to reservoirs and they don’t complain that much now. Most of them are mixed with everyone else and you made a peace.
Then you had slaves.  So stop them running away you had to shackle them and guard them with guns. So you need the guns then too. We are against slavery here but this happened many moons ago so let’s allow it too as a reason to have guns.

And then you need the guns during the American civil war. One part of the union wanted to keep the slavery other part didn’t. I am quoting here from:

In the spring of 1861, decades of simmering tensions between the northern and southern United States over issues including states' rights versus federal authority, westward expansion and slavery exploded into the American Civil War (1861-65). The election of the anti-slavery Republican Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860 caused seven southern states to secede from the Union to form the Confederate States of America; four more joined them after the first shots of the Civil War were fired. Four years of brutal conflict were marked by historic battles at Bull Run (Manassas), Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Vicksburg, among others. The War Between the States, as the Civil War was also known, pitted neighbour against neighbour and in some cases, brother against brother. By the time it ended in Confederate surrender in 1865, the Civil War proved to be the costliest war ever fought on American soil, with some 620,000 of 2.4 million soldiers killed, millions more injured and the population and territory of the South devastated.”

You uses your guns against your own neighbour according to this. Well you need the guns then. You have made peace again an the great nation of yours selected it’s first coloured president twice as well.

Now you are still keeping the guns. I mean the civilians. There is no problem to Police and armed forces to have guns to keep law and order. Same goes to farmers and forest rangers. Although I prefer the British police who are walking without guns and at times heroically give their lives which happened very recently. You see even though I can justify and even agree that sometimes British Police should carry guns they don’t. They are that good. They call armed response units. Ever heard of that? I am sure anyone can buy guns in London black markets. But people here have faith in their law enforcement agencies.

You seem to have forgotten that you don’t need to defend your land from rightful owners. They are in reservoirs. You don’t have slaves to guard.  You don’t have a civil war. So anyone having guns think that children and people who queue up to watch a film as legitimate targets.
 If you are against the federal government you can always do demonstrations. You don’t need guns for that. All of your media praise your 5 star democracy most of the time. So why not allow those against the federal government to protest in the streets peacefully. You don’t need guns for that. Imagine if there will be some Marxist revolutionaries happened to be in US and organising a riot. They don’t need to instigate army to get the weapons. They will have all the guns they need at home, legally owned. What a security lapse? Or your political leaders think that people will not take arms against the government?  

Any way end of the day it’s not our problem. I think If you want to have guns in homes that’s fine as far as other civilians in other countries would not follow the American example. I just think in your dollar bills you have “in God we trust” printed, Was it not better to print “In guns we trust”?